
There’s a sad little column in this blog, it’s sad ’cause there are no links to blogs I like. Since they are quite a few, and since I’ve I have so many of them on my iGoogle page that I’m considering another way to see the updates, I thought I could share them.
Anyway, stop blabbing, let’s go with the roll.

First: friends, these are in italian, but if any of you would like to click on them just to improve their own italian or to give free clicks (and gain some good karma perhaps?) here they are

Tesi e illusioni (thesis and illusions)
she’s about to move to Dublin, I’m expecting fun stuff from there!

Il Club delle civette
(The Owlets’ club)
I’ve met Icon more than a year ago, and she was already talking owlets, now this project is coming to life!

Now for others blog, I’ll follow the alphabet so no one will be offended 😛

I don’t remember how I’ve found her blog, maybe jumping from link to link, but back in february I’ve done her “homeworks” to feel better in one’s skin… I have to say that they helped me out a lot. Moreover her “Saturday salute” provides you with plenty of interesting links!

Color Me Katie
I must have found Katie jumping too, but she has such amazing and colourful pictures that you can’t help but go back to her blog to watch some new ones!

An enjoyable surprise: she was the first to find my blog, but then I started following hers ’cause it is really fun: she can tell you a movie in five minutes, sometimes making it funnier or more interesting than the original one!

Frock & Roll
I already knew the website “by name”, but when I found a comment from Corinne here on Profession Muse I smiled like a child and now I’m a more frequent follower! If you don’t already know her go an see, I like how she writes!

Gala Darling
A year ago I was looking for stuff about “armochromy” and stepped into her website, her TiLT inspired my Scatola Musa (which I’ve spreaded with friends), plus she has fancy lists of links!

They’re the latest add to my feed-thing, but they’re already severly menacing my attempt to use other colours other than black… plus they have nifty DIY post, I really enjoy them!

Not That Kind Of Girl. She’s amazing, and I must say that she inspired me multiple times to do simply what I “usually” won’t do. Check out her blog, where she collects all the tales about stuff she, despite her “usual” behavior, actually did!

Yes and Yes
“Because yes is better than no”, Sarah Von is an incredible girl: she travels, she has a job she loves and she’s into a lot of stuff that make her happy… and she shares all of this! Heck… I start to think I’d like to have her as a neighbour!

Then we have blogs and websites I don’t follow regularly, but that I check once in a while ’cause they have good posts and articles:


Positivity Blog

Rob Brezsny
I’m not very much into horoscopes, but I enjoy reading them, I like this particular one because it gives you wise advice and inspiring words, no matter which sign you read!

Seth Godin

Steve Pavlina

Plus I’m a twitter-follower of almost all of them… if only twitter could fix that api-issue!!!

Any other links you think I may like? Links you want to share? Links for the sake of links?

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One thought on “Blogroll

  1. Sadako

    Thanks for mentioning me! Your blog is very nice, and it was so sweet of you to put a mention of me. I'm checking out the other blogs you mentioned as well. 😀

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