Musa’s Box

Straight to the list

RL Shaun The Sheep (by Niels Kuppens)

RL Shaun The Sheep (by Niels Kuppens)

° helping out our friends to mount and place furniture in their new home
° stay there for dinner cooking all together
° cooking again some japanese rice curry
° organizing a japanese food tasting dinner with friends
° Miss Peregrin’s home for peculiar children
° “The magicians”, thanx Anna for the heads up :)
° “That 70’s show” on Netflix, finally!
° chromecast
° my husband’s live gig in a nice venue
° a night out with friends we haven’t seen in a while, goofing around
° despite my five hours sleep (which is a fancy way to say I’m not young anymore) spending the day visiting museums in Milan (Mucha and Symbolism, so nice!)
° chatting way too much… wait, there’s no such thing as too much chatting with friends!
° our home
° our cat meowing out loud to call us to play
° visiting my grandma and finding out that, during the ’40s, the “part time” working day was only eight hours O_O
reserving a table for sushi for tomorrow
° chickpea flour “farinata”; hot from the oven with fresh cheese melting on top, give it a try!
° my little project, slowly but steadily growing
° organizing a trip, for a weekend, in Calabria ^_^
° an impromptu tea with Chiara
° mythological creatures

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