Here we go! Part 2 of my long journey from red chemical hairdye, to “back to my natural colour”.
Black henna did the trick!
This time I used a jar of brunette henna and one of “smokey black” (I’m always using Shiraz brand because that’s what I could get my hands on).
First application: brunette (with baking soda)
Second application: half brunette half black (with salt)
Third application: black (with salt)
I only have to be a little more precise in applying it to my hair, lock by lock, but then that’s it.
The red’s gone. So much so that I’ve decided to wait another two months witout doing anything, to make all the red fade, mostly the one from lawsonia that was into the brown henna, and then I’ll only use the “smokey black”.
Which is a nice blend of: woad (blue), indigo, cassia and tea (which do not give colour but health to the hair), and walnut shell (brown).
Now let the pictures do the talking!


First application

Second application

End result
The thumbnail image comes from here