DIY foundation

As promised, here is how I do my own foundation.

You need: moisturizer (possibly ecofriendly, so silicones don’t bother you), mineral powder foundation (really mineral, so silicones don’t bother you) and something to apply it (I love this sponge, used slightly wet, it was 3 euros in Madrid at El Corte Ingles, take this beauty blender!).

Proportions: it depends on how much coverage you want, I have to say I don’t need to cover up much (I also can’t, otherwise goodby freckles and hello fake face), so I put a glob of moisturizer and more or less the same amount of powder. When I have some spots I simply put, by hand, a little quantity over the spot and let it dry, nice and concentrated.

Mix well.

Apply as you like and voilà.

Half face painted in this photo, my right… therefore your left, in the screen. I’m not overexposed on one side, I was in front of the window, without direct sunlight, the “overexposed” effect is foundation: it makes a lot of things disappear, some freckles, paler lips, no cheekbone and me with a horrible stiff neck :) No kidding, maybe you can’t see it well, but I like the outcome, it doesn’t look like a mask and it doesn’t feel sticky! :)

Of course I didn’t come up with this, it’s been a while all over the internet to mix your moisturizer and powder foundation, though the first time I tried I didn’t like because -I think this is the reason- I used a non-mineral powder fondation with a generic moisturizer (that’s why I insisted about silicones) applying it all by hand… spotted and uneven application in the and. But I was tired of having redness around nose and mouth and also of being all cakey with just powder and kabuki (I have dry skin), I tried again with these things (ecofriendly and round sponge) and I’m loving the result :)

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4 thoughts on “DIY foundation

  1. yliharma

    che bella che sei! io ho la pelle tendente al grasso quindi mi va bene il fondotinta minerale col kabuki…il più delle volte: quando è freddissimo o tira vento e la pelle si secca aumento la quantità di jojoba che metto sul viso (mescolata a uno schizzetto di aloe) e via :)

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Io faccio l’inverso, d’estate col caldo il fdt in polvere è più che sufficiente, visto che fa caldo, si suda e spesso e volentieri ho su la protezione :)
      Grazie per i complimenti, fanno sempre piacere!

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