After Summer Musa’s Box

Rain is falling, incense is burning, beads cover my desk, Tori Amos keeps me company while I have breakfast with an Irish Cream te and a cherry croissant.
I’m living a second teenagehood.

And since today feels like autumn, I’ll say goodbye to summer with a list.

° Sardinia, with her perfect waters and hanging around on the ferry deck like true run aways

Cala Gonone

Cala Gonone


The view from our B&B in Dorgali

° Abruzzo, with wonderful hills and a place that made you feel in a movie

matrimonio3 matrimonio1 matrimonio2
° Bomarzo, we’ll be back for another visit, you eccentric garden by an eccentric medieval rich man!

° experiment with japanese cold recipes to face the killer heat
° some days off at home, together, before facing the long car trip
° a visit at the Expo, it was better than I expected, maybe also thanx to the Cirque du Soleil

° an empty highway, Grisbì cookies for the travel, they are now a well established tradition
° see the sea, the Etna smoking in the distance, diving into the water, soaking it up, letting salt and sun work their miracle on my skin

° having a little place of our own

° regretting a) not having a good camera and b) not being able to use it anyway, to capture those yellow and red mountains, splitted by the sun; or the sunsets over the sea, or the Etna and Sicily sparkling with lights at night or those Caravaggio-esque lights that cut everything in two, between full colours and total darkness. Then again thinking about it and saying no, sometimes it’s better to enjoy things, soak them up, drink them whole and who cares for pictures to show other people.
° Sa fixing Euforilla (while I still need to fix my part of it, so ungrateful! :P)
° Reggio Calabria’s boardwalk, the National Archeological Museum, seeing the Bronzi a few inches from my nose *_*

museo1 bronzogiovane bronzovecchio
° coming home, that’s always nice, finding my Stinkerbell all plumpy and cuddly
° living a second summer, with friends nights out, walks to the European Market, a pizza with my girls chatting into late night, running tons of errands and doing so happily


Tinto de Verano, at my parent’s bbq, as soon as we got home


Going back to work and finding this sort of hallways ^^

° finally a weather that doesn’t make me sweat, but instead makes me drink plenty of teas, and also makes my cat cuddle up with me
° our anniversary sushi
° discovering new places, like a tea shop or a street filled with (jewellery related) diy shops
° a walk to the riverbank, through the woods I grew up near

° my brother and my sister in law here for a few days ^^
° mythological creatures, lovelovelove

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