Out of office

I hoped that the weather freshened up for good, but we’re still facing some hot hot days.
But I am armed and ready with homemade popsicles.

Anyway, it’s time to set your “out of office” in the email, let the PC cool down, rehearse the ancient art of lazy and, basically, go on holiday.

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Hence here I salute thee… Ok, I’m almost leaving and we’ll meet again in september, in the meanwhile Euforilla will undergo maintenance (and maybe a little restyling) so if you step by and find nothing, you know why.
Or you could save your favourite pages, just saying… 😛

I still haven’t thought about the suitcase, but I’m already filled with resolutions for when I’ll come back. Ah… delusional mind! XD

And finally, since I’ve skipped this on friday, here’s my pre-holiday list:

° holidays starting earlier than forethought
° lunch breaks in good company
° countdown to my husband’s holidays
° try out new dishes at the Chinese restaurant
° a night at the Expo, very nice… I think we’ll go back…
° Cirque du Soleil. Cirque du Soleil. Cirque du Soleil. Maybe if I say it three times it will appear, like Beetlejuice *_* What a wonderful show, I’d go every single night to every single show


° Ikea roaming
° my new “granny mug”
° our drawers perfectly tidy and organized
° tidying up my desk as well, peace of mind
° a nice fabric to cover some throwpillows
° a thunderstorms night
° a rainy, fresh day
° taking all the time in the world to have breakfast, after taking all the time to get up from the bed
° meeting friends to say goodbye before leaving
° pizza in good company and a yummy yummy panna cotta
° mythological creatures

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