Musa’s Box

Another weekly list of little miracles that always happen.

° validations, just when I thought of dropping something
° risotto withmarrowbones (but without marrowbone for me, thanks)
° learning how to crochet
° going for a walk on saturday morning, fishes in the channel, ducks floating on the channel, a carpet of multicoloured soaked leaves, that autumn smell made of humidity-rotten leaves-crushed shieldbug, roast chestnut seller, puddles, fiercely coloured maples
° Deimos reviewed on Rock Hard, it was a really good review!!!
° wool boutique, it was oh so pricey, but these kind of shops are way too cute!
° roast chiken and potato croquettes
° fabric scraps found by mere chance
° new editorial issues
° Figments, it’s way too cool, subscribe to it, really!
° the shelf with the classics of litterature
° Clothilde all cuddly
° the sound of heavy rain in the night
° willing to do things, having billions of ideas, planning a lot of posts, mostly diy ones!!!
° realize that my blog, as Profession: Muse, is working, someone here and there has been inspired :)
° knitting stitches, crochet stitches… yeah
° baking a tart (with orange, apple and cinnamon jam, made by my Friend Anna!) to fill a lazy and lonely sunday afternoon, the smell and heat travelling through all the apartment, have leftovers for breakfast
° being able to wear again my wool and coloured winter dresses
° have creative dreams (while I dream I’m drawing, shopping for supplies, shooting videos o_O)
° Sa that gifts me a lot of time together
° when you’re on the right track and things start to roll smoothly on their own
° supplies coming in mail packages, it’s like early christmas!
° pretty-ing myself up, taking care of this body that’s been sickly-ish for three weeks now, maybe because it’s yelling “pamper me!!!”
° this upcoming weekend: a book presentation, a brunch in a ’50s/’80s diner, a trip to Ikea, a workshop in Milan, I won’t be still for a minute, I’ll meet lots of people, I’ll do tons of things, the simple idea of it makes me tired but I know it will be worth it!
° decide to take a leap, even in small issues, even if I had some second thoughts
° my diy posts, they’re still few but I’ve added a couple and it gives me such a satisfaction 😀
° kicking off a new series of horror movie nights, meaning B or Z eighties movies, with Phenomena
° mythological creatures

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8 thoughts on “Musa’s Box

  1. Sheireen

    Ma che meraviglia “le conferme quando pensi di abbandonare” e “quando sei sulla strada giusta e le cose iniziano ad andare a posto da sole”… oddio, anche la crostata non sembra male! XD
    Quando passi per Milano? o sei già passata? fai un fischio!! 😉

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Sono passata ieri e ci andrò ancora domani, ma per farci due chiacchiere propongo di organizzare altro solo per noi (che domani e dopo sarò un po’ di corsa).
      Quei due punti della lista piacciono un sacco anche a me ^_^

  2. Chasing Hygge

    Ciao! I post di fai da te fanno sempre sentire realizzati :-) E le boutique della lana sono pericolose per il portafoglio…però irresistibili. Non so perchè la maggior parte dei miei gomitoli sono neri comunque….bah!

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