Musa’s Box

I know, I know, I’ve been posting nothing but lists, lately, but it’s a healthy exercise I need to keep up.
Then if only I could add in more salad and some yoga, I could call myself fit.
But nutella and couch always win 😛


° a weekend spent with friends
° being able to take my mind off things and therefore enjoy the moment
° closing a chapter (even though I’d have preferred another ending)
° people on your team
° a super cuddly Clo
° cooking yummy stuff
° St Martin’s summer, it felt like spring and biking around was a treat
° finishing some cosmetics, this might sound silly, but it’s a slow and steady thing: using up some products I have, so to reduce to the bare minimum my essentials
° starting to plan something for my birthday
° chatting with friends
° talking about everything with my husband ^^
° having a few new projects
° mythological creatures

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