Return. Contact

Ground control to Euforilla, ground control to Euforilla.


Hey! I’m back! I bet you’ve missed me so badly you couldn’t sleep… Yeah… Whatever…
Oh well!

I’m abundant with ideas for this new year (come on, let’s face it, september is the true new year’s eve!), more books, more creative writing, more do it yourself (myself, ok), more tutorials, more steampunk, more folklore, more feminism (oh yeah), more things I love… Even up to videos if I make my mind to it!

In the meanwhile, just a friendly reminder, here’s where to find me:

instagram (I didn’t think I could have been so caught up into it!)
facebook (I’ll soon be using this more than my personal page, where I’ll be purging some contacts as well, so follow me here, it’s better 😉 )
bloglovin (to be always up to date when I post something new)
and my email, ’cause I really like your emails: mail (at) euforilla (dot) com

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