On the nightstand – 15

Well well well, here we go again. I know it looks like I read just three books, but actually it’s seven. Like it makes any difference 😛
Binged on Hellboy (finally!), Hunger Games trilogy and a random book to pass some time.
Here they go.


Hellboy “Seed of destruction”, “Wake the devil”, “The Chained Coffin and Others “, “The right hand of doom” e “Conqueror worm” by Mike Mignola – I got the books on lease by my friend Lanterna, after promising to care to them with religious zeal, and agreeing to pay for any problem with either one of my knees (my pick). So I finally could read Hellboy, I “met him” just because of the movies, that I quite liked (kinda steampunk, fun, entertaining), and since usually the book is always better than the movie, I was incredibly curious of reading the original stuff. Indeed the books are better! And the preface by Robert Bloch is right: Mike Mignola is a “real artist” :) Now I have all the others left waiting for me (PS one of the things I love most is his sketchbook at the end!)

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockinjay by Suzanne Collins – I wanted to read these since the movies, again because the books are better. And in this case it’s incredibly true! Otherwise there is no explaining how I could be so glued to the pages, even though I knew exactly how it would turn out (first and second book). Catching Fire has a lot more substance to it, than the movie let on, and Mockingjay is somewhat too long, but it ties together perfectly well all the loose ends

Telling the bees, by Peggy Hesketh – It starts out really nice, almost funny. It makes you crave honey and beekeeping. But it’s incredibly boring to get to the end…

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4 thoughts on “On the nightstand – 15

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Ma a quel punto i film sarebbero stati etichettati come “pippone da femmine” (che già ho sentito gente che non l’ha voluto vedere “perché c’è una femmina protagonista”, per farla breve), figurati in soggettiva!!!

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