Love & Sequins – Gala Darling – Review

I’ve recently found out that Gala Darling (the blogger I’m grateful for showing me what gratitude lists are) some time ago announced that she will stop selling her “book” Love & Sequins.
An ebook+podcast I purchased quite some time ago thanx to one of her special offers.

So, this review was stuck in my draft folder for too long, and today it sees the light, but maybe it’s useless?

love and sequins

So let me check her website: it’s still on sale. So, my advice is: don’t buy it.
For heaven’s sake don’t waste your money, not even if it were on sale (which everytime is “the last sale ever” but eventually…).

I started taking notes chapter by chapter, but it was getting way too long and repetitive, so let me give you a condensed review: my bottom line is “Why did I pay that lot of money to read content she had already published on her blog for free?”

Plus, even though there’s a slow yet steady tendency to get better from “chapter one” to the last one, she doesn’t credit well her sources, when she does at all…. “Researches show that”, what researches? Who researched? When? Or her best advice on the matter is “just google it”… well, that’s not how it works when you’re proving your point…
Whenever the content gets to be a liiiiiittle bit more original from her blog, you also realise that you can find the same things on, for example, Steve Pavlina’s website… and it’s written better, more in depth.
When it comes to “business” you realise it’s old content, it talks about an economy that was actual five years ago… things now have changed, this kind of market/business is saturated. Couldn’t we have an update to this chapter at least? (Since you can buy them also separately).

Last but not least there are no real life examples, she always talks generally, it sounds like Cinderella’s mice “dream hard and your dreams will come true”… come on… that’s not working!

Yes, you also get a podcast with Gala reading out her writings… but it doesn’t add that much value to the purchase listening to someone that reads (with no particular emphasis) what have been written.

So, to conclude, you might like her blog or not, you might like her or not, this is a matter of tastes and I respect it.
But if it comes to spending money on this Love&Sequins ebook, please don’t! It isn’t cheap at all (not even when it’s on sale), spend those money on something else, even more so if you’re planning this purchase as an investment on your personal business, you’re better off spending the same amount of money on a photoshop course!!!

Why? Because my bottom line stays: Why should I spend money on the exact same things I’ve already read for free?

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2 thoughts on “Love & Sequins – Gala Darling – Review

  1. Editor

    Gala Darling is nothing more than a snake oil salesman shilling the same crap for years and years to an audience of 12 year old girls. She doesn’t know how to cite sources or reference research because she is an uneducated airhead with same IQ as her audience. It’s so funny that she calls her collection of overpriced podcasts a “book” – even more hilarious that she got rejected for an actual book deal! Poor thing doesn’t realize how irrelevant she is. She needs to just disappear into the ether.

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