On the nightstand – 13

Here we go, a little bit later than ususal, but between cloaks, carnival and gender question related posts I had to postpone this for a while.
Anyway, enough with the chitchat, let’s roll with the books!


The Count of Montecristo by Alexandre Dumas – What could I ever say about this masterpiece? Yes, a masterpiece, I’m starting to see a difference between classic and masterpiece. A classic is a book that everyone knows about and that “should have read”; a book everyone knows the title and a little bit the topic, but it doesn’t mean they have really read it. A masterpiece is a book, whether it’s a classic or not, that, despite the time during which i was written, it’s always, always, always, spot on. Change the clothes, update the speech, the Count of Montecristo could easily be a story of today. How comes these french are so good at novel writing, uh? Any idea? I mean, english writers are great entertainers, russian writers can tangle up and detangle things in such a beautiful way, but french writers… I don’t know… it seems like they master both! *_*
Anyway, give this book at least 60 pages to get used to it, to get used to the 19th century style… then it flowed beautifully and then the last 200 pages just flew! I was stuck to the book like a second nature, I didn’t feel time passing, I was in another time and dimension, I didn’t want it to end. I was very moved by it. And this says a lot.

What we did to father by Roy Lewis – Also known as “The evolution man” and also “Once upon an Ice Age”. After reading Dumas I realized that no matter what kind of serious novel I was going to read would have paled in comparison, I needed to read something light, different… I was trying to pick between an anthropological/folkoristic essay, classic sci-fi or else. My friend Chiara goes straight with Roy Lewis. I trust her, buy the book in a wednesday afternoon, start reading it befor dinner, continue reading it after dinner. Then stop at a few pages from the end because I wanted it to last at least 24 hours!
Light but not silly, superhilarious, and super recommended to everyone!!! 😀

Lo stile quotidiano by Paola Francesca Traspedini – An ebook manual written by my friend Chiara’s friend and published by another friend of hers. Which grants quality to me. Could I skip reading it? Of course not! ^_^ It’s a style manual, very nice, enjoyable, with brilliant ideas and solutions for your clothing. Just a warning for you: if you’re anything like me, after reading the book you might painfully acknowledge how much your wardrobe needs a pair of navy blue, dusty pink and cold taupe trousers, one or better two shirts in chiffon and anything with florals XD

The fault in our stars by John Green – It’s a book about cancer. No, wrong, It’s a love story, a book about dreams, about everyday people who, though, have cancer. I’m not recommending this to you: it’s written beautifully, but it’s way way way too sad.

La danza de la realidad (2001) by Alejandro Jodorowsky – I adored his “Psychomagic”, let alone his “The way of the tarot”, so it was just about time I could read this other book (there is no translation to english I think). I found a man, who I thought was quiet and wise, who was instead a fanatic and a sexist/sex maniac… he still hase those brilliant intuitions I adored him for, but this book… well, at least it makes him human :D. And it takes guts and a lot of honesty in writing about yourself like he does (the book itself is nor good nor bad, you might want to read it if you’re his fan like I am).

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