Thanksgiving Musa’s Box

I always say: anything is good for celebrating. So today, even though I’m Italian, I’ll write this list with a Thanksgiving spirit (without turkey), grateful for having a loving family and friends, a nice home, food in my belly, health for all the ones I love, Clò included, and always opportunities.

° a walk in Milan, with an endless chat

° going to a book presentation (“Donne Sciamane”= Shaman Women) it sounds interesting, I’ll look for it at the public library

° walking with my friend writer, we’re talking animatedly, those guys who try to sell you bookstores subscription stop us and I’m so ready to answer their question “What’s the last book you’ve read?” I point my friend and say “Hers!” 😀 I win!

° friday packed up with things to do: errands in the morning, breakfast at Peach Pit (which aced it, they’ll definately be seeing us again, for a brunch on a sunday!), a trip to Ikea that’s already christmas-y, another errand for my parents and going over at their place for a tea

° visit my friend Spleen, it was way too much time we didn’t see eachother

° a myth crumbling, I know that it usually isn’t a great thing when you say it, but this time it was because this “myth” wasn’t that pretty! Like a piece of shadow going away

° something’s moving, something’s opening 😉

° rice starch

° knowing I’m equilibratedly (is this even a word?) lucky

° Wikipedia pages on the Liguri, the Levi and the Marici

° my new purple fluffy warm slippers

° arranging a camp bed with a very comfy look and clean sheets smell

° oven cooked sea bass

° gratin broccoli and beet salad

° train trips with friends, a lot of chatting to catch up and a lot of comments of the recent events 😛

° biking through a deserted Pavia, early mornings in the weekend see people sleep :)

° Clothilde who looked like she missed me and therefore is all cuddly

° home made febreeze, it really works!

° my imminent birthday party at home with my family

° forcing myself to get up from bed, at night, because I had to write, even though it was just a letter (that maybe none will ever read) or just a few lines of a tale, or a simple “prompt” by figment (I had a couple to catch up with)

° doc B., my personal occult and local folklore detective, to whom I turned to satisfy some impromptu curiosities (you can paint him with long leather coats, muddy boots, since he’s no desk doc but an on the field one, and thick rimmed glasses framing light blue eyes he got from his mother… figment’s working, isn’t it? :D)

° well deserved midnight snacks (ok it was 1:30) after an hour spent writing

° recover an hairstick and a pair of earrings, thank you couch for spitting them out

° Clothilde’s growing, she’s becoming calmer and a cuddly one (she’s slowly changing, slowly, don’t expect a fluffy pillow next time you’ll come and visit me!)

° an afternoon spent crafting jewellery, with my friend Lanterna, a cup of green tea and tons of words

° networking people, it’s a nice thing to do ^^

° finding the blog of a friend and dance teacher, finding out that she keeps her own “Musa’s Box” (she calls them “small wonders” :))

° the first little new generation’s owlet is finally here!!!

° The “Christmas Village” at Viridea, it’s way too pricey, but it’s so cute *_*

° running errands all afternoon with my mom, looking for wool, paper bags etc

° not having to cook because my fridge is filled with my mom’s and my granny’s leftovers 😛

° herbal tea in bed, watching the wall, just feeling the complete relax

° the Lab finally reorganized and functional

° Clothilde playing with soap bubbles

° a new friend in Turin

° a teal vase (waiting for my pothos) and a teal lamp on my shelf

° Sa and his fridays out of work ^^, Sa helping me with a print project, Sa not waking me up when I fall asleep on the couch while we’re watching Lethal Weapon

° mythological creatures

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