Happy Epiphany to everyone!
Today in Italy we celebrate the “Befana”, a kind witch/old maid that flies on a broomstick and used to leave you nuts and almonds in the stocking, along with the second stocking (or so my grandma told me)! But now she leaves you sweets in the stockings if you’ve been good. Otherwise she leaves carbon (therefore there is a wide variety of carbon-shaped or carbon-looking treats). I’ve had plenty of sweets from Mr. Faun, and gave him my home made cookies
Today in Italy we celebrate the “Befana”, a kind witch/old maid that flies on a broomstick and used to leave you nuts and almonds in the stocking, along with the second stocking (or so my grandma told me)! But now she leaves you sweets in the stockings if you’ve been good. Otherwise she leaves carbon (therefore there is a wide variety of carbon-shaped or carbon-looking treats). I’ve had plenty of sweets from Mr. Faun, and gave him my home made cookies

° coming back home to wait for Mr. Faun’s arrival
° my “Complete Harry Potter Collection”, in english of course!
° spending new year’s eve doing houseworks and do some shoppings for the house…
° … and then make and bake our own pizza!
° our own pizza! it was soooo good! We were happily suprised of how it turned out. We need to make it agan asap!
° Tron, the 1982 one XD
° my Mela, who’s afraid of fireworks, so sweet! Even thought she’s incredibly goofy
° wake up together in the morning, go out together… and then take two different directions 😛
° a weekend that felt like holiday
° finally being able to challenge eachother with the Wii
° organizing Survivor Philosopher’s Gathering
° witty questions from ex collegues philosophers
° ginseng and eleutherococcus integrator
° wake up, have breakfast, and slip again under the blankets with a book or a videogame, at least fifteen year instant rejuvenation
° bring my slippers at Mr Faun’s place
° lentils with a peculiar boiled salami
° get back on track with our tv series
° massages
° lessons to learn the accent from Calabria
° Mr Faun’s sweater, or, to be more fashionable :P, boyfriend jumper
° online gymnastic XD
° feeling like eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking lots of water and fruit juices
° Lindt’s chocolate bar with chocolate mousse filling (all dark chocolate). I’ve said it all
° Tripping over my own words, my own logics
° taking care of myself, sometimes it’s due!
° baking cookies
° feeling like I’m on holiday, even though it’s not like so
° my “Befana” sock, from Calabria
° mythological creatures
° my “Complete Harry Potter Collection”, in english of course!
° spending new year’s eve doing houseworks and do some shoppings for the house…
° … and then make and bake our own pizza!
° our own pizza! it was soooo good! We were happily suprised of how it turned out. We need to make it agan asap!
° Tron, the 1982 one XD
° my Mela, who’s afraid of fireworks, so sweet! Even thought she’s incredibly goofy
° wake up together in the morning, go out together… and then take two different directions 😛
° a weekend that felt like holiday
° finally being able to challenge eachother with the Wii
° organizing Survivor Philosopher’s Gathering
° witty questions from ex collegues philosophers
° ginseng and eleutherococcus integrator
° wake up, have breakfast, and slip again under the blankets with a book or a videogame, at least fifteen year instant rejuvenation
° bring my slippers at Mr Faun’s place
° lentils with a peculiar boiled salami
° get back on track with our tv series
° massages
° lessons to learn the accent from Calabria
° Mr Faun’s sweater, or, to be more fashionable :P, boyfriend jumper
° online gymnastic XD
° feeling like eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking lots of water and fruit juices
° Lindt’s chocolate bar with chocolate mousse filling (all dark chocolate). I’ve said it all
° Tripping over my own words, my own logics
° taking care of myself, sometimes it’s due!
° baking cookies
° feeling like I’m on holiday, even though it’s not like so
° my “Befana” sock, from Calabria
° mythological creatures