Purposeful Giveaway

*edit* I’ve decided to make this last longer, the giveaway is still on! Ends on 2 March */edit*
click on the pic to see it bigger
Exactly in one week from now this blog will turn one year old.
To celebrate I’ve decided for a giveaway, but I have another reason behind it.
The conversation was something like this:
“Sometimes I think I could start following people randomly, to have more readers, I’d like to have more, but then I think it wouldn’t be fair, I want people to read because they’re interested into my contents!”
“But if you add them randomly you’ll have more chances to spot interested people that wouldn’t have found you otherwise”.
I have to admit that having Survivor Philosophers as friends is very useful someitmes!!!
And then there were also a small voice inside me that realized that maybe I didn’t want to reach out because I had yet another kind of shyness (like “ok, I’ve got a blog, but please don’t look too much at me!).

So I thought that the giveaway could be a great way to join celebrations, new readers and ventures out of my comfort zone!

click on the pic to see it bigger

To state it in etsy terms you may win a Asymmetric, double chain, silvery seamless necklace, with vintage crystal and butterfly pendent, swarovsky-like beads and chanel length.
Or, to state it in my own terms: my lovely hand made long necklace!

click on the pic to see it bigger
To win it (I’ll pick random) you can follow me here on the blog, or on twitter, or on facebook… or on all of them! Spread the news, and then let a comment below telling me what you’ve done, I’ll list all subscriptions (i.e. following everywhere and spreading the news will place you four times on the list, therefore more chances to win… and if you’re already following me just tell me and I’ll add you all the same πŸ˜‰ ), it ends up at midnight (Italy timetable) between monday 14 and tuesday 15.
Next week I’ll announce the winner, and I’ll ship it around the world!

So, will you help me out of my comfort zone?

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14 thoughts on “Purposeful Giveaway

  1. Siobhan Hanlin

    A genius Idea! And might I add what a gorgeous necklace! You are incredibly talented, the necklace has a Pan's Labyrinth kind of feel to it.
    Hope your giveaway is a rip roaring success!

  2. Scrapbooky

    The necklace is so beautiful and faerie like. I love it! Would adore to be entered into your prize drawe, and even if I don't win, I hope it goes super well!x

  3. Euforilla

    Thank you both!
    To be entered just follow me here, the feeds, twitter, facebook, anything πŸ˜‰ and leave a comment telling me what you've done!

    Thank you again!

  4. Canadian Twentysomething

    Lovely necklace!

    I follow you on Twitter (@CDN20something) and I follow your blog! I also retweeted to spread the word!

    I'm going to mention it on my blog tomorrow so hopefully you get more readers! Great idea. :)


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