Musa’s Box

New list! Don’t know what it is? Once a week (or when you want) think back the last few days and all those things that happened and that you’re grateful for, that made you happy, smile, laugh or just plain gave you positive feelings.

Why? Because the more you notice the more you’ll notice, because it cheers up bad days, when it all seems gloomy and you think there’s nothing to be grateful for that’s the moment to give this a little try and realize that there’s always something that we are blessed with, and because it’s fun!

Do you have a gratitude list? A musa’s box? Link it in the comments!

° Learning to knit in a quiet afternoon with friends, enjoying chats, silence and needles clinking

° beautiful autumn sunny days

° write, the freedom it gives and the purifying effect it has

° wanting to be on my own, stay alone for a while, inside myself :)

° pinterest, always there to fill up those five spare minutes ^^

° knitting blu wool and shiny lightblue thread, singing the Gayatri mantra

° Rookie, I know it’s an teen magazine, but it looks serious to me (nothing to do with other teenmags), thanx to Chasing Hygge for linking it

° the best compliment to the food I cook: when there are no leftovers (and not because I prepared little quantities :P)

° pencils and their hardness or softness

° updating the blog a little more

° emails with my friend Spleen, they might be sparse, we might see eachother even less, but it takes really litte to remind me why we’re so close as friends!

° tuna and onions pizza

° chickpea hamburger, I have to perfect the outcome (maybe next time I’ll measure the ingredients exactly) but they were so tasty, sooo gooood!!!

° feeling a little Maecenas

° free online resources, knowing english so I can find more, more useful and prettier!!!

° the curious case of Benjamin Button, it’s like a hand enters your body and squeezes your heart at some moments, but it’s such a pretty film

° they advice by Linda: “As for those who would “take credit” for helping you, they must need a lot of validation and that has nothing to do with you”

° the kitchen table completely covered in: tapes, jar of glue, boxes of beads, threads, bags of buttons, scrap fabric, tools (from pliers to hammer), scissors and cutters, bags of glitter, mother of pearl pieces, vintage jewellery to destroy and relive, wool, embroiderings… me happy!!!

° King Nothing and Low Man’s Lyric by Metallica

° a tea with my best friend, gossiping like two old hags

° Clothilde with her nails trimmed

° “La pioggia nel pineto” by D’Annunzio

° Exactitudes: “Versluis and Uyttenbroek provide an almost scientific, anthropological record of people’s attempts to distinguish themselves from others by assuming a group identity.” Basically what I’ve always thought: you’ll always end up picking up from someone else. And this xoJane article too: “I feel pretty happy and secure in my outsiderness today, but for different reasons, as I am no longer a visible member of a readily identified subculture. What I miss was that whole community of outsiders. We wore a uniform of sorts; we recognized each other. I could visit a strange city where I knew no one and yet if I could find the local goth club them I would immediately have a dozen new friends.”

° mythological creatures

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9 thoughts on “Musa’s Box

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Scusa! È che dopo la chiacchierata con mia nonna ieri ho voglia anche di provare a fare il punto a grana di riso e il punto a costine… ma ho solo i ferri del 6 e una lana per ferri del 2,5 massimo 4!!!

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Io li ho scoperti “per disperazione”: avevo ancora un sacco di ceci da fare, ci ho passato due giorni fra ammollo e cottura, qualcosa ci dovevo pur cucinare… I “ceciburger” sono stati una felicissima sorpresa ^^

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