Musa’s Box

August’s first Musa’s Box, this is a special moment to realize how many things there are in our lives to be grateful for (yes, I’m really fluffy lately :) ).

° having two dinner already made (grandma and mom still fill me up with well stuffed tupperwares… and I gladly accept!!!)
° a night with my girlfriends, playing “Hotel”, throwing dices (and “no magic dices allowed” XD), drink beer and chat above a box filled with nailpolishes
° visit an old friend in his restaurant, drink and eat wonderfully!
° the best cheesecake I’ve ever tasted in my life
° finally organize some pinterest boards
° talking tattoos with the future tattoo-artist U_U
° housechores checklist, printed in a practical excel paper
° fruit juice cold from the fridge
° Vezzali’s screams, watching the Olympic Games, no matter what an ice cream commercial says, I’d be there gladly!!!
° candlelit pizza XD
° do and make
° spend an undefined amount of time (was it five minutes? or two hours?) wrapping embroidery thread around a bangle, thinking grateful thought with every wrap
° beauty
° girl friends
° being short sighted but seeing clear
° peach iced tea
° earrings (four new pairs in two days, well thank you all!)
° sleep
° Mr Faun <3

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