Musa’s Box

Another week passed by, the past one felt like it doubled, this one felt like half a week… But anyway! Here are the niceties of this past week ^_^

blue dragons

° enjoying my just-cleaned home, scented with orange blossom, all tidy, lit by a nice sunny day, it is so peaceful!
° friday, fish: yummy sushi (“dragon”-maki, such a nice invention) to celebrate, and a couple of jasmine green tea to warm up
° vanilla scented candles and nag champa incense sticks
° sitting at the kitchen table making lists, plans, projects :)
° a trip to Parma, a super nice weather, fantastic light illuminating the hills, the fields, old farmsteads, small rivers and animals, it felt like something magic was in the air
° a walk, with good company, talking really really silly :)
° toast with leftovers and hot herbal teas to warm myself up
° a sunday of teas, cats, chats, walks in the wood talking about the season change and about the “look at me, I’m a special snowflake!” phenomenon 😉
° feeling an old feeling of wonder for things, maybe it’s Autumn and its light… but it feels nice!
° a marvellous full moon
° my Grandmas’ necklace :)
° Rachel sleeping on a chair in front of me and Quarto coming looking for cuddles on its own, I’m always seeng it as a poit of pride when shy cats trust me in the end
° a paycheck with a lindor attached 😀
° trusting my guts and finding out it’s right
° nice people who still trust people it’s rare but it’s nice!
° strawberry doughnut by Peach Pit, lunch chatting with my aunt C.
° a brilliant autocorrect mistake XD
° home made mussaka
° my friends
° the sheer fact that tomorrow’s my birthday 😛 I like to celebrate with my kin and cake. Mostly cake 😛
° inside jokes with myself
° Stinkerbell sleeping for hours and hours in her cat trap by my side while I’m working on the computer (and she sleeps so deeply she didn’t feel the earthquake… instincts? Not received)
° this page, it’s soooo cuuuuuuute!!! (And remember… “pruuuuuuuuuuune prunette”!)
° mythological creatures

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