Musa’s Box

Hello! New Musa’s Box, for those of you who don’t know what it is: it’s a list where you collect all those nice things, from the past week, that made us feel happy and rich, despite potential bad days. Because the more you focus on positive aspects, the more you see them, the less you complain and the more you live merry :)
Here another explanation with links!

° a friday night just for me and Mr Faun
° the Rune classes, with a nice blue man, enlightening! But most of all Loki’s myth told in venetian dialect!
° going to these classes together with my friends, there and back again in train, and then a pijama party, with lot of chatting, pagan gossip and laughter
° going back home, with my comfy bed, and Mr Faun
° my herbs on the balcony, they’re so big and green!
° visit my friend in her dream house, so pretty, catch Bastet in a creepy corner under the stairs, chat for hours of our past and get to know eachother a bit better :)
° Mr Faun who spoils me waaaay to much ° a day with bearable temperatures, but most of all a night where I could finally sleep under the sheets!
° milk and chocolate cereals
° Mr Faun’s new songs ^_^
° ham and melon, when both are at the right point… yummy!
° icecream, nunc et semper (because latin sounds way cooler)
° accepting the idea that “now it’s not the time, it’s not written”… thus letting things flow 😀
° sun-smelling laundry
° mayonnaise with some tumeric in it
° a beautiful summer storm, that made everything so fresh… so we could sleep like babies
° eggs with tomatoes *_*
° Basil the mighty mouse investigator 😀
° mythological creatures

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