Musa’s Box

Thursday’s list, maybe a little short this time, but heartfelt as always!
What is this? It’s a weekly list of nice things that happened in the last few days, things that made me laugh, smile, made my mood better or made me think “life is beautiful”, in a pretty list so I can remember them and always remember that I am a lucky girl, despite all the rest :)

° a yellow and orange friday night
° a walk to center town, by night, with fresh air, to eat a yummy gelato
° ice cream, wind, lolcats: perfect recipe to get past upset moments
° micro-postits to keep a ton of marks in a book
° botanical drawings
° my aromatic garden on the balcony
° Mr Faun who’s always shamelessly on my side
° the couch
° home made iced peach tea
° guacamole (next time: less lemon, more salt)
° tasty sandwiches
° strawberry juice, I mean, shall we discuss it?
° saying things straight and ending them up in cats’ jellybean toes
° doing something different
° going to my favourite park to read
° continuous email exchange
° fruit ninja
° visit a friend by night and drink a very good beer
° saving the life of a little cutesy hedgehog (aka: getting off the car and making him run to the grass)
° nice pictures, not only for quality, but most of all for the personality they have
° Deimos’ EP’s reviews *_*
° this post
° the upcoming course in Milan, with following pijama party
° find a bell-charm I thought lost
° fresh fruit, seasonal, local, so good!!!
° Mr Faun :)

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