Mythologically: planning

After noticing the three main ingredients to make a home cozy, here’s another post of stuff I discover while doing… to some this might seem like reinventing the wheel (to thee I ask for advice, please! :D) to others maybe these are useful ideas or just a hint for a topic.

1) Plan the works ahead: from those things you just want to do “I want to fix the floor with this and that”, to time schedules “this weekend we paint walls, the next one we clean up the box”. So that you can manage all your appointments, deadlines, home deliveries and so on.

2) Establish a budget: we have been quite “fail” in this, because saying “we will spend this much” without knowing how much something really costs is not that useful, but at least we made clear where to splurge and where to save (advice? Splurge on household appliances that won’t break after two minutes and that, maybe, are good enough to make you save money on monthly bills, and splurge on a good mattress and the bed bug mattress encasement if needed, sleeping well is priceless. You can save on chairs, carpets, sofa, tv… you know, all the not-that-necessary stuff)

3) Take care of papers pretty soon (and decide ahead of time who will put his/her name on what, if you’re in two, and how to split expenses), once you’re done with the papers everything is much less anxious!

4) Keep track of what you do, spend and who paid for what, either for guarantees of things you’ve bought, either to be fair in your home management :)

That’s how we’re organized for now and, even though a lot of things are still to do, let’s say the bigger ones (those that prevent us to finally move) are down to two or three (we can fix doors later :))

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4 thoughts on “Mythologically: planning

  1. Marta

    Dare delle priorità: questo è necessario che lo faccia/compri subito, quest’altro posso anche prenderlo più avanti…magari con i saldi!!!! :) E’ quello che ho fatto io, e al momento funziona!
    E soprattutto, così hai tempo di vivere un po’ la casa e di renderti conto di quello che effettivamente serve e starebbe bene con l’arredamento 😉

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