Musa’s Box

Last one before the holidays.
Written with a beautiful thunderstom-and-rain outside. I know, my last post was about enjoying summer, but if after a few days of unbearable heat and sweat, I get some chilly wind and black clouds, I’m happy.


° my favourite weather: thunderstorms. Wind rushes, noises from the sky, energy going through you (no, I haven’t been lightning-struck :P)… and you’re inside, safe *_*
° saturday spent on the riverside: feet in the water, homemade spicy flat bread, talking our voices off, then a tour in Bobbio, the wonderful cript (with a tree with female and male symbols, a bestiary mosaic with dragons & co, and a Brigit cross on the wall *_*), oh, and seeing an eagle soaring high in the sky *_*
° sushi with family!!!
° a cute little girl, giving me the chills by singing “Babadook! Babadook!”
° pictures of my beautiful niece
° picking tomatoes in my granny’s vegetable garden :)
° a video of my other beautiful niece “dancing” flamenco
° a super colourful dinner
° yogurt “cheese”cake
° Netflix
° my cat, meowing for no other reason than being picked up and cuddled
° adding more things to visit to our summer trip
° mythological creatures

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