Musa’s Box

List of nice from the past week, it’s good for your mood!
(Hey, is that a slogan I made there? Wow, corny!)

Aiken House & Garden

° thunderstorms, chilled weather, nights spent with our windows closed and the sheets pulled up to the chin
° a quiet sunday in good company
° finally changing the wardrobe from winter to summer, ditching a bit of old stuff, and most of all finally having a tidy and organized closet!
° planning a trip to Abruzzo and Sardinia :)
° discussing Game of Thrones and the differences between books and tv series (why??? WHYYYYYY???)
° again another chance to stop by the asian grocery store (I needed water chestnuts… and I got out with a big bag of stuff :P)
° vintage tin boxes filled up with tea bags
° about tea and herbal teas: drinking plenty, thanks to the cooler weather and the fact that I simply realized I can let them cool down longer before drinking, duh!
° meeting new, nice people ^^
° Shirley Temple hair (only for a few minutes), and honourable mention goes to Tony who actually knows its way with hair *_*
° and then my “mad head” hair, when it’s done by yours truly (me, that’s me), but I like them anyway
° coming home to a fully prepared dinner: a gorgeous (and abundant) sushi plate, with correlated chilled Sapporo
° mythological creatures

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