Surprise party

If I were cool, always ahead of other people, now I’d be here writing to you exactly how I’ve understood that my friends and family were organizing a surprise party for me.
I’d be writing about the clues, how they slipped, what was exactly that in the end made me put all together.

I’d be also here bragging about how I had a cruel fun in asking “innocent” questions to people and watching them crawl on glass…


But I didn’t have a clue.

I didn’t understand it when nobody was asking me questions.
I didn’t understand it when Sa oddly knew the exact time my mom was expecting us for dinner (He must have guessed it right).
I didn’t understand it when my sister-in-law said “See you sooner… I mean, we’ll talk again before sunday”.
I didn’t understand it from the fake-innocent questions “What are your plans for tonight?”
I didn’t understand it from the fact that my mom, for the first time ever in my life, on friday still had no idea what to cook for saturday dinner with my brother.
I didn’t understand it from my aunt C. “forgetting” to tell me happy birthday during the day.
I didn’t understand it from all the cars parked near home.
I didn’t understand it from the weird stop Sa made with the car.
I didn’t understand it from the closed windows.


Basically they could have strolled around and elephant and I wouldn’t have seen it.
Good job! :)

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2 thoughts on “Surprise party

  1. ziaClara

    Hi..Hi..Hi.. pensavi che ci fossimo dimenticati del tuo compleanno vero ?
    invece …………….. SORPRESA !!!!!!! ……………..
    qualche volta anche i tuoi genitori si lasciano prendere dalle sit-com americane !!!!!
    l’avresti mai detto ???????????

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