Musa’s Box

I’m late I’m late I’m late, The White Rabbit would say.
Du calme! Du calme! My high school french teacher would answer.
It’s late, I know, but here goes my list, I couldn’t skip it 😉

° read plenty
° long weekend spent with Mr.Faun
° Despicable Me (now I want a fluffy unicorn… and a minion U_U)
° start planning my birthday party
° this weekend: heading to Lucca Comics&Games
° play Chambara
° and having soar muscles for days after that
° happy hour with a “Garibaldi” cocktail (orange juice and aperol)
° a night with griends
° super good pizza
° a bit of people watching, that leads to: an old lady with a datchshund that had to take a million tiny steps to move a few inches, a girl stopping in the sun, closing her eyes, to enjoy warmth, a little girl with a boyish name and a mom with blue hair, two girls making silly scenes at the train station, one girl putting on makeup with a smile just before jumping off the train, a guy with a ponytail with seven elastics, a girl that does needlework on the train, a girl that reminds herself of ballet sequences while seated!
° drawing a greeting card
° shopping in DIY centers, and “squeeing” in front of walls filled with adhesive tape, like others “squee” at walls filled with shoes XD
° dots with eyeliner
° giving “layered outfit” a new meaning: layers upon layers of warm stuff, instead of showing layers!
° 10 minutes straight to blow-dry my hair
° the baker gifting me with two flat bread buns
° card deks for free in my office
° the café guys cheering me “by darling, have a wonderful afternoon”
° sunny days, and sunsets I’ve seen these days, from purple to flash orange
° the firs fog
° willing to do so much
° meet and play with a beautiful black dwarf lop bun… when he runs he looks like he’s going to fly with those ears (in fact now I call him Lenny the flying bunny)
° a cat that truly reminds me of a miniaturized tiger
° my all time favourite mythological creature above all: Mr.Faun

And this video, I watch it at least once a day (I know, I’m a little obsessive). Have you seen this movie? Go see it, rent it, it’s really worth it!

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