Yes, I’m on team Edward, but this Edward!
Img found in google, if someone knows the origin pleas tell me!
° peach iced tea and sandwiches
° my new superfluffy flipflops (and they are peacock green too!)
° pastries
° autumn, you feel it in the air even though it’s still hot, some trees are turning auburn, and I long for risotto, combat boots and scarves. I’m longing for trees to change colour, I want to sleep cuddled up, to use again soft blankets and clothes, I also want to see some grey and fog. Absurd! But grey-fog with orange-tree is such a great contrast! (I know that I’ll be sorry for saying this, but now I’m longing for autumn!)
° bunny earrings
° accomplishing a sweaty chore, and then take a shower that magically reshapes you
° choosing pastries!
° team Edward (Scissorhands)
° sun-scented laundry (when you pick it up after it has been drying in the sun)
° You are my sunshine…
° whimsy serendipity
° wear your pajama ’till afternoon, on sunday
° taking pictures at clouds
° gifts and souvenirs from other people’s holidays!
° a year filled with bliss
° my brother is at home for some days
° Ikea meat balls (plus I ordered 10 and they gave me 12 anyway ^^)
° write this list, notice all the wealth that surrounds me, all the things I have to be grateful for, think “oh, this goes on my list!” as soon as something hits my fancy (and it happens more and more often)
° write a similar list, but more personal
° just writing, the act and the intellectual activity
° changing blog layout, adding pages, buttons and all these nerdy things
° Shrek happily ever after. Donkey and the granny kitty. And most of all the Puss in boots *_*
° finally baking a cake: being able to use the oven without dying for the heat, and spread dark chocolate perfume everywhere in the house!
° chat with friends
° loony chats at midnight thirteen (really witch hour)
° mythological creatures who will be more mythological and beautiful 😉
° my new superfluffy flipflops (and they are peacock green too!)
° pastries
° autumn, you feel it in the air even though it’s still hot, some trees are turning auburn, and I long for risotto, combat boots and scarves. I’m longing for trees to change colour, I want to sleep cuddled up, to use again soft blankets and clothes, I also want to see some grey and fog. Absurd! But grey-fog with orange-tree is such a great contrast! (I know that I’ll be sorry for saying this, but now I’m longing for autumn!)
° bunny earrings
° accomplishing a sweaty chore, and then take a shower that magically reshapes you
° choosing pastries!
° team Edward (Scissorhands)
° sun-scented laundry (when you pick it up after it has been drying in the sun)
° You are my sunshine…
° whimsy serendipity
° wear your pajama ’till afternoon, on sunday
° taking pictures at clouds
° gifts and souvenirs from other people’s holidays!
° a year filled with bliss
° my brother is at home for some days
° Ikea meat balls (plus I ordered 10 and they gave me 12 anyway ^^)
° write this list, notice all the wealth that surrounds me, all the things I have to be grateful for, think “oh, this goes on my list!” as soon as something hits my fancy (and it happens more and more often)
° write a similar list, but more personal
° just writing, the act and the intellectual activity
° changing blog layout, adding pages, buttons and all these nerdy things
° Shrek happily ever after. Donkey and the granny kitty. And most of all the Puss in boots *_*
° finally baking a cake: being able to use the oven without dying for the heat, and spread dark chocolate perfume everywhere in the house!
° chat with friends
° loony chats at midnight thirteen (really witch hour)
° mythological creatures who will be more mythological and beautiful 😉
You always write the best lists, miss! Peach iced tea sounds so amazing right now and yay, autumn is WONDERFUL
And I'm been meaning to ask you forever on here, whereabouts are you in Italy? 
Aw thank you!
I live in Pavia, beautiful city 30 minutes away from Milan, where I work.
You're planning a visit? 😉
Changing blog layouts is so addictive, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop… Eek! Peach iced tea is just delicious… nomnomnom!
Such a great list! All happy things.. 😀
Yes girls, all happy things, it started as something funny to do once in a while, now is something I'm addicted to!
Have you given it a try? 😉