To have time between the decision of moving home and the actual moving, lets you do the one absoultely important thing to grant yourself a (future) happily ever after…
Waste yourself with websites and catalogues. Period.
Though just browsing can be boring… that’s why sites like Pinterest (i.e. my “home decor inspiration” board) and Stumble Upon (i.e. I registered and ticked on design & co, for the interests) to keep up with all the good stuff.
About good stuff, if you also learn something or at least draw some inspiration, I think that’s even better, which is why I’m going to shower you with links, my favourite ones.
Needless to say I want, want, want to know which ones are yours!
Ikea -yes, I know, quite obvious, but they do have genious solutions! And such cute objects, and such interesting prices… and they also have an online thingie to plan your furniture! It’s not perfect but seeing your future room in3D is thrilling!
Sweet Home 3D -about rooms in 3D! This is a free software, user friendly, and you can also import Ikea’s furniture so that you can have an even more accurate simulation!
Maisons du Monde -crazy prices if you consider it’s serial-furniture, but if you can lay your hands on a catalogue that’s plenty of inspiration!
Nest – by Meg Allan Cole,I feel like I owe this to her, “met” on Threadbanger, she had Decore It Yourself and now it’s Craftzine. This woman is a force of nature, she does anything to make a house a home and make it beautiful, cozy and most of all yours. Plus she has an amazing blogroll!
Apartment therapy -well, this one simply couldn’t be out of the list! And there’s also re-nest
Design sponge – a lot of cool ideas
Better after – come on! Who doesn’t love to see how an-almost-piece-of-junk gets new life and also becomes super-cool?
Ikea hackers -basically they take Ikea furniture… and use it for everything else. I see genious people!
The decorologist – you may not like her style, but she has extremely interesting and useful advices, most of all about colours!
Loving Living Small – for all the small… sorry, cozy homes!
Colour lovers – go study some palettes, it’s a plus!
Etsy and Martha Stewart -the first one it’s always good, when you’d fancy something fancy (a-ah, pun…), great or you just need some inspiration. The second one is an institution and the name says it all… it’s like the bible of the house!
I don’t have resources in italian, too bad here craft/diy centers are dull, if you browse for any how to you just find “you won’t do that, call an expert” people and if you do find something is for silly and cheesy kids stuff… yuck…
In case you’re moving in with your sweetheart, a good idea is to start talking ideas before you move in and being open to compromise… i.e., I’d like my kitchen with neutral furniture and a wall in cherry purple, but I don’t think I can impose this, I mean, come on XD
Visto che sei design-ispirated ti segnalo anche, e soprattutto
Ohbbioddio ma sono geniali!!!
Grazie mille!!!
Come promesso, ecco le due nuove perle scovate nel mare di Pinterest!!!
Grazie mille!!! Ora me li spulcio per benino!
Mi ha fatto straridere quello che hai detto dei siti/blog di interior design in italiano…effettivamente lo stile stucchevole è predominante. Però secondo c’è già in atto un cambiamento. Ti giro ad esempio il blog di una mia amica italiana che scriveva in inglese ma che ora ha deciso di tradurre i post anche in italiano, si occupa prevalentemente di interior/design/crochet, amo il suo sito:
Ehehehe purtroppo la cosa più “trasgressiva” che ho trovato era un suggerimento di farsi le tendine della cucina all’uncinetto usando un filo colorato… sigh…
grazie per la segnalazione!
Guardo subito il sito della tua amica