Have I ever reviewed for you my Nook?
I don’t think so! Alas! I need to get this covered!
Sa is not for useless gifts, nor am I (thanx, nice plushy, were to put it to collect dust now?). He’s for presents you can actually use. He’s one for tech gifts (and 90 out of 100 you can actually use them).
So one day he comes home from New York, with a present, kept well hidden untill my birthday. A Nook, the ebook reader by Barnes & Nobles.
Confession: I pulled a pleasantly surprised face, thanked him a lot, but inside I was thinking “What now? What will I do? I prefer paper books!!!”.
Silly, trustless me! I can’t live without.
The battery goes on forever, you read like it’s a page out of a newspaper, even under direct sun (it has been in Calabria, in August, I know what I’m talking about!), there isn’t a better feeling than knowing you’re stocking 15 books in your suitcase, but they weight but like a magazine.
And most of all: you save money. Ebooks cost a fraction, if compared to books of paper, then you can also find classics that are for free (no more rights on them). And as a plus, I’m not taking down trees to read.
I was very well convinced, as many others do, that nothing compares to the touch and the smell of paper. Then I reconsidered: a book is a book because it entertains you with a story, because while you’re reading you are imagining things and you’re travelling, and flying, and dreaming.
Now, as someone who’s seen the light, I want to ask a bothersome question to all those who ever said (any kind of this) “Oh, no, I read a lot but only if it’s on paper”, the question is:
you like reading or do you have a fetish for paper and ink?
Hanno il feticcio.
Oppure in realtà non leggono.
Ma comunque ti serve un a custodia in titanio 😀
Secondo me masticherebbe anche quella 😀
Io ho optato per il Kobo, il mio migliore amico… Ho fatto il tuo identico cammino di conversione. Io però essendo una pulciara gli Ebook li prendo in prestito dalle biblioteche, sono iscritta persino a quella di Motta!
Uh giusto! Anche quella è un’ottima cosa
Idem come te…e adesso guai a chi mi tocca il Kindle 😀
Diciamolo a tutti: la carta è bellissima e adoro leggere libri cartacei, soprattutto se usati (che hanno una loro storia da raccontare), ma la comodità e il risparmio dell’ebook sono impareggiabili…non prendono neanche polvere negli scaffali!!!!!! 😀
Unico problema: lo smaltimento quando si romperanno…spero tardissimo.
Già , la carta ha quel nonsoché di nostalgia, però non ho ancora sentito nessuno che, avuto un lettore ebook, se ne sia pentito, vorrà pur dire qualcosa!