Musa’s Box

Here’s my daily gratitude effort, posted weekly :)

autunno fall autumn

° the pink sky very early in the morning
° rooibos tea by Yogi Tea
° my aunt C asking me for a personal (and comprehensive) edition of MBFSIW. I’m pondering a proper ebook (of course I’ll re-edit stuff!)
° a friday afternoon spent drumming at “The house of the Polish man”, eating the “Dairy man’s lunch” made of home made bread, cheese and jams 😀 laying in the warm sun, under the birch tree, a very beautiful butterfly, all the little frogs hopping around
° going to the library: feels more like meeting up with friends at a favourite place :) (and since I was were I was I came home with a couple of books!)
° Chiara’s children who are never, as their mother taught them, a pain in the ass (to be said literally)
° an unexpected free evening for Sa
° the new screen for my laptop, I’m finally independent again! 😀
° finding out that someone studied and composed the most relaxing song ever (and the top ten, I’ll write more about this ;))
° herbal teas in cute cups to find peace with the world
° nail polish by kiko n 303
° biking downtown, dressed in green, do some window shopping while passing by, eat a sandwich in an old favourite cafe, enjoy an icecream (dark chocolate and coconut) in my favourite city park, collecting “mad chestnuts” and coloured leaves (and finally finding out that leaves are NOT symmetrical!!!) I’d say that it has been a good autumnal equinox :)
° making a list of books I’d like to read (and realizing I already had one on Anobii)
° making a list of dishes I’d like to cook
° writing some more on my recipe notebook
° my synthetic clay dish “Calabria inspired” 😉
° going back to our old “thursday afternoon teas” habit (even though it’s on random days :D)
° taking out my fall/wnter wardrobe, doing some serious decluttering, finally seeing my wardrobe all tidy (when it’s about time to change the season I reach such entropy…), having enough stuff to organize another swap party, and after all it’s a little bit like shopping for free “Ooooh I didn’t remember this cardigan, so cute!”
° the zen practice of detangling all my necklaces… and the OCD practice of finally storing them in individual little bags… so that maybe next time I want to wear one I’ll be able to, instead of giving up immediately!
° mythological creatures

autunno fall autumn drum tamburo

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