A toast to the mirrors, July 23rd 2007

“Come here, my darling, I have things to tell you…” Angelica says, purple ribbons in her long red locks, flawless makeup.
Lenore, black dress with gray pinstripes, a cameo on her neck, gives the hand and then sits with Angelica, here at the enameled teatable.

“Tell me, is it paranoid tea again?”
“Oh no, that’s a funny one, in the end it was just red fruits tea! So many on that… and I was wasting time worrying!”
Lenora doesn’t ask anymore, she just waist for Angelica to go on.
But she takes a pocket mirror from her clutch, it’s small, squared, incased in silver and on the back it has a ruby snake… she keeps the mirror part covered, stroking the snake with her fingertips.

“I’ve spent the last days laying on pillows… because finally I could! Can you see what it means?”
“With a fool no season spend, lest you’ll be counted as his friend…”
“Exactly, you see, I’ve always been out of reach, I’ve always been far more protected that I thought, I had this mirror before I knew it… even though I did extremely well in getting it…”
“Even though you’re paying being called bitch? Witch?”
“After all that’s no news at all… actually, I take them as compliments, they see now my true nature”

“Let’s toast, then, to the mirrors!”

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