Dear Santa/birthday

I’m usually really late on this for my birthday. And usually friends and parents keep asking me, weeks befor, “What would you like for your birthday? Come on, something, can’t you think of something fancy you’d like? Nothing?”
And my honest answer usually is “No, I’m fine, really”, and I really am!

But, I’m starting to think, there must be some trickster fairy that some days before my birthday points my attention to a plethora of fantastic things.

My luck is being born so near Christmas (more than a month before, but to my friend ApeRegina october marks the imminent arrival of Christmas!). So now I’m taking action.

Dear Santa Birtdhay,
this year I’ve been a really really really good girl: not only I’ve ate all the broccoli in my plate, but I’ve cooked them on purpose!
So just so you know, and as a blogpost says: the perfect gift for a “crafty girl” like me can be chosen among what follows.
1) Tools, they’re the base (for example a rotary cutter wouldn’t be bad, or a spongy brush, or bamboo knitting needles)
2) diy books, a thing that, by the way, meets two of my passions: books and diy!
3) supplies, even though I’ve just bought and got a lot for a specific project, it’s never enough (I’m sorry but with artistic and creative stuff I do not mean to be minimalist and downshifter!)
4) a course, like this one that looks so cool to me.

Onto other stuff, you’re hardly wrong if you wrap up a book for me. And it just happen that thursday, when I was in a bookstore in Milan for the conference on the book “Donne Sciamane” (Shaman women, ehy, I’ve told you I’m an hippie!), I saw an entire bookshelf of feminist, spiritual and feminine-spirituality books I’d like to read.
That’s when the idea of writing a premature letter to Santa came to my minde. So I hit internet and a wishlist on Anobii saw the light (sadly I can only link you my profile and then you’ll have to click on my wishlist, there’s no way I can direct link it). Many are by an italian publisher and by italian authors.
Anyway, public library, you’re going to help me.

So here I am 😀 I’ve only had time last week to tell my mom and my aunts that if any of them still had no idea of what to wrap up for me I would like to read ”

E quindi eccomi qui 😀 Ho giusto fatto in tempo settimana scorsa a dire a mia mamma e alle mie zie che se ci fosse stata ancora qualcuna in dubbio avevo visto “Peaches for Monsieur Le Curé“. I’ll let you know how it all goes after Christmas 😉

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6 thoughts on “Dear Santa/birthday

  1. Sheireen

    Ma che bella lista! 😀
    Quasi quasi una letterina a Babbo Natale la metto insieme anch’io (dato che per il mio da poco passato compleanno non mi è andata un granché di lusso!)

    P.s. Brava!!! per la precisazione sul libro della Harris! 😉

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Precisazione più che doverosa! Sono stata un quarto d’ora in libreria come un’ebete a leggere e rileggere “Il seguito di Chocolat” per capire se per caso fosse una storia che si potesse collocare temporalmente fra Chocolat e Le scarpe rosse… Stupido marketing! 😀

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