Musa’s Box

Happy day-after-Halloween!

Caro novembre, ti prego sii buono

° see my friend again, even though it was just for a quick lunch
° twix bar, I know, it’s junk food, but it is my “guilty pleasure”
° see my brother and “mistress-my-brother” ^_^, have dinner all together (with my mom’s best risotto)
° spending a saturday being out all the time, a “red happy hour” that wasn’t that bad, my sleepy niece, wearing super bold red lipstick, going out with friends
° “Rock School” (by Bobby trap), I want to go back to school to study the history of rock, and its practical application!!! Having fun at a live concert like it was the old times, dancing and jumping and sweating too much, singing my throat out, going home at an ungodly hour, yet still being able to remove makeup and detangle my hair before falling deeply asleep (thank you solar time!)
° taking colourful notes
° online resources, how many times did I already say that you can really learn stuff online?
° herbal teas to feel better
° home made bread, chomp
° artistic-folk chats and plans (what??? XD)
° expired copyrights on old books that, therefore, you can download for free from websites
° the “working me”: I felt professional, accurate, and throrough… yeah, and very humble!!!
° impromptu lunch with my aunt, a nice walk back home
° the leaf carpet everywhere, so coloured and smells so good
° these days weather, being able to open up all the windows to refreshen the air is priceless!
° going back at cooking something ^^
° last minute inspirations to cash on immediately
° the perspective of this long quiet weekend
° cambodian incense (or was it birman? or thailandese? well, anyway, it smells great!)
° Clothilde doing fine, the vet said she’s super healthy
° Halloween party with a crime case to solve… we solved it ^^ (the thing is, we watch way too many tv series)
° mythological indeed creatures U_U

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