Facebook decluttering

DEcluttering is a big topic, mostly concerning clothes, furniture, objects and stuff that is not necessary.

I have been lucky to move from my parents home to my very own, therefore starting from scratch: which means I could avoid from start to fill it up to the brim (we only buy something new when the old one is almost out or broken beyond repair), this doesn’t mean I didn’t get the chance to get rid of some “nuisances”.

Nuisances are:
– countless black tshirts that faded, shrinked or that I never wore
– cables and tech parafrenalia that’s now out of date
– pencil case filled with pens that don’t write anymore
– most of all: e-nuisances

Let me take a step back: I’ve resisted Facebok for a long time, when I caved in I dediced to keep my business to myself, only share some thing and most of all accept or look for friends that I’ve actually met.

Sadly between jobs, courses and friends’ friends, I gathered up some “useless” contacts. What was worse was that they infested my wall with teen-rants (even though from people in their 30s… or double-15 at this point…), mean thoughts no one asked for and that made me uneasy or simply with stuff I couldn’t care less.

So I’ve spent some minutes deleting contacts, setting others as “acquaintances” (which implies you can share contents just with “friends” or “Best friends”, cutting “acquaintances” off), picking what kind of news to see (that trick of un-ticking “Like comments” reall works, I’m really not interested that the friend of my friend’s friend likes my friend’s picture…) and just removing others from popping up on my wall.

It was really worth the time spent: I’m in contact with whom I’m really interested into and I don’t get bad feelings for other people rants… who are rightfully entitled to speak their minds anyway they like, just like I’m rightfully entitled not to listen to them :) Peace!

What about you? Have you ever tried e-decluttering? How was it?
Last year I did it with old emails, ended up with 50 total I wanted to keep, discarding the other thousand (no, not kidding…), unsubscribing from useless newsletter & co and now I’m thinking of some blog and blog-related decluttering+organization.

Tell me about you now! :)

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9 thoughts on “Facebook decluttering

  1. yliharma

    quello su facebook lo faccio periodicamente, diciamo ogni sei mesi vado sugli amici e faccio ripulisti 😀
    decluttering digitale enorme l’ho fatto quasi due anni fa http://minimalitaly.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/cambiare-il-modo-di-pensare-per-creare-entusiasmo/ ed è stato un bagno di sangue….necessario però, non se ne poteva più….ora il mio computer è praticamente vuoto e ho tutto sul web (che si backuppa da solo)
    anzi ora che mi ci fai pensare mi sa che è ora di ripulire un altro po’ di preferiti…

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Wow! Quello è un decluttering da forze d’assalto!
      Anche se confesso che le cartelle del pc dovrei davvero davvero davvero metterle a posto… trovare un file o una foto sta diventando impossibile, sigh…
      Evernote sembra uno strumentino utile fra l’altro, ci farò un pensierino!

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Yeah! Per le email per me sarebbe già ora di nuovo di una bella ripulita, ma, ispirata dal post linkato da Yliharma, sto mettendo ordine fra le cartelle del pc… che impresa epica!!!

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