What’s in my bag – versione fai da te

It has been a rough and tough week, so I want to start this one (even though monday is almost gone) with something frivolous.
So I’ve decided to jump on this wagon and show you what I carry with me, but most of all, to show off a bag I’ve sewn myself this august.
That’s why “diy edition”.

The front, the lining, the pockets and the shoulder strap are upcycled from an old bag I had and liked but didn’t use anymore (it was some kind of backpack, not very handy), the back comes from and old tshirt I loved but couldn’t wear anymore, and the button -so it seems- comes from a veeeeery old coat my mom once had.

And here’s the usual stuff, in the pencilcase I carry bobbypins, bandaids and small stuff I don’t want to lose into the bag, then some pretty boring stuff, like pen, diary, phone (I say it’s a little remote), something quirky may be soap bubbles (the small yellow bottle you almost can’t see, in the low right corner) and violet candies in the tin box with an hydrocephalus Tigger, an army knife (it’s so useful in so many situations!) and I definately need a new wallet, I’m tired of carrying one for coins, one for cards (at least four from bookstores, if not more) and one for money and documents (even though I’ll miss mister Jack).

Any suggestion? Something light please, it’s monday 😉

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