The biggest present

This past Valentine’s day (a “holyday” I don’t believe in, but as you now know I take any excuse to celebrate!) I gave myself a huge present.

Such a demonstration of self love and respect I never thought I could be capable of.

Once upon a time there was a young bachelorette, who found a job with her own forces and abilities, a job in a new and young office, where sometimes it seemed to be still in highschool for how fun were some moments with coworkers, the pay was good after all and the contract was a real, good one.
Sadly, though, there were also a bad thing, the one that starts with M and rhimes with jogging.
The choice, then, wasn’t easy in the beginning, but when the respect to people themselves was found missing, the choice was pretty soon made.

The young girl quit the job.

I don’t think you need side notes by famous critics to understand that the protagonist here it’s me.

I considered carefully a few things and I (finally) realized that nothing of the above is worth my physical and mental health.

Yes, I was lucky enough to be able to afford this choice (and I have been smart enough to care for my pigbank these years) but showing myself so much respect was an injection of self confidence I really needed.

In less than a month, other three (now ex) colleagues took my same decision… can I feel a little proud for being a role model? 😀

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6 thoughts on “The biggest present

  1. L.

    Puoi sentirti molto orgogliosa. Di questi tempi (ma poi è diverso da “altri” tempi? non ne sono convinta) uno ci pensa non dieci, ma cento volte, ma non è giusto. Il lavoro è importante, ma non al punto da toglierti la gioia di vivere. Brava, e tienici aggiornati sulle tue prossime avventure. L.

  2. Mari

    ti capisco… io un paio di lavori li ho evitati perchè ho colto l’atmosfera che tirava, qualcuno mi ha criticata aspramente ma avrei dovuto poi licenziarmi come te… ho preferito allora evitare dall’inizio. Non è facile ma…. si farà fatica, ci si inventa, si tira a campare, ma alla fine le merde rimarranno solo merde, ma tu avrai la tua caspita di vita vera!!!!

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