Musa’s box

° Loud Rammstein’s song in a clothing store
° this video with this child (I generally don’t like children, let alone pre-teens… but this one is so so so right, even though she’s older than me now)
° a thursday night with associates… and new friends :) With also: fantastic soup, tasty cake, beautiful kittens, phantom notes and knowing what’s a table.
° preparing posts ahead of time
° all these green selections 1 2 3 (scroll down to the bottom of every page 😉 )
° warm herbal teas (possibly with a zen quote) and incense sticks… a little proustian travel
° my new space-mobile-phone in a super saving offer
° Firefox 4 and Libre Office
° cooking (chicken cous cous with spiced vegetables, check; sepia noodles with cream and salmon sauce, check; lemon escalopes with salad, check; sunday evening with a takeaway pizza, check this one too XD)
° having someone special, that is willing to fight windmills too to cheer you up
° being an idealist
° a monday that begins with a kiss, a parcel from etsy (that I thought was now lost) and clouds flying away to leave room to a blue sky
° said etsy parcel, with beautiful rings in it!
° The “Time Bank”
° receiving my pay
° actively thinking about my future (even if it’s not simple)
° refresh symbols, archetypes, dreams and spirituality (at least at a thought level)
° first ice creams
° E.L.F. order with discount coupon!
° wearing a little makeup, to review my skills for the incoming makeup course (I start to think that I have serious perfectionism issues XD)
° fuchsia shoes
° red hair
° being busy
° lipbalm
° nude colours on super pale skin 😛 (many clicks for many examples)
° the greek restaurant
° super long emails
° upcoming weekend (again a Mythological one)
° “strange” coincidences

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