It started out like a fantastic thing, vitamins made me feel generally better, but these eleuterococcus and ginseng (just to be able to say so without faltering your words is impressive) pills looked like I could go through smoothly, most of all during the week my whole family had at the very least a cough.
I took these because my mom insisted a lot, claiming that last year she went through the winter without the smallest cold.
Well, just cut this short: I stopped taking these on tuesday, thursday I came home earlier from work with a temperature at almost 39°C… now, it’s very likely I started getting ill on sunday (Mr. Faun is witness of my amoeba-like status and feeble breath), and I also remembered when a wise herbalist told me “Of course you can take tonics like ginseng, but if your organism isn’t already strong, as soon as you drop tonics, you’ll fall back badly” (therefore bee-glue and royal jelly for a month)…
Next year I’ll try and remember this beforehand!
I don’t know, I feel like taking a picture of the jar and put it in a poster like Epic Fail… sigh… I don’t really like being home sick!
Though, considering I’m a positive gal and learn from everything, negative ones too, I shall take this as a reminder of my 2011 resolution to eat better!
Feel better soon xxx