Here we go with a new thursday list! What’s a Musa’s Box? Click here to find out ° pizza pizza pizza pizza, home made one most of all, eaten with family most of all ° a beautiful sunny day with…
Artist Support
I think it’s fair to help friends and I think it’s fair to support artist, and when the two coincide (artist friends) I find more than due to give them some space, here on my blog. On the column on…
Not your usual Christmas carols
In my family we say that if you do Christmas stuff (decoring, cooking, gift-wrapping) without the proper Christmas-music background, said stuff won’t turn out as well as they could. Even though this year I learned by heart “Rudolph the red…
Monday Musings
Sometimes you need to start a new week in a soft way 😉 Related posts:Monday Musings: Postylish 2Monday MusingsMonday Musings: the year of the DragonAmélie August, 25 2005The music
Musa’s Box
° Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, gorgeous news! ° Ringing the bell at a friend’s, at midnight, to go see his new place ° A weekend spent packing up books (and uploading them on Anobii) ° Cuddles for Mr Faun ° Doing…