Musa’s Box from Madrid

Box on the move! I’m in Madrid, visiting my brother (wich means tapas y copas by night and strolls in the city during the dayTherefore, of course, there will be a lot of Spain in this list, but let’s list one thing at a time :)

° finally release some stress, also physically :)
° opportunities and clearer ideas (or at least try to clear them!)
° home made grilled zucchini, yum!
° “No Mambo Jumbo”
° catching up with “my” abandoned series
° my plane was 40 EARLY!!! :)
° croquetas de jamon and a copa de vino tinto
° a beautiful day in Puerta del Sol
° programs for next days (today: Calle de Fuencarral and Puerta de Toledo, tomorrow exhibit on Picasso and then Retiro, Salamanca in the weekend)
° usin a pc that has no accented letters
° the image I’ve used for this box: Daniela/Smilla sent it to me, thank you ^_^
° time emails with Mr Faun
° a tour in supermarkets of foreing countries… and taking picture of curious stuff 😀
° packing up on Nag Champa
° totally unexpected yet very welcome texts
° old pictures… and planning new ones
° mythological creatures

4 thoughts on “Musa’s Box from Madrid

  1. goddessinspired

    Io ti voglio bene e amo molto la tua listina di questa settimana, ma… Odio la musica nei blog almeno quanto voglio bene a te: apro la pagina e mi piglia un infarto sentendo una smetallata allucinante sulla musica rilassante che stavo ascoltando ahahah…! XD C’è un modo per tenere il player facendo in modo che solo chi vuole metta play e senta la musica? Ti preeego! *_*

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