No way! The “nigthstands” are back! Yes, well, after finally being done with tables, ribbons and papers, I had time and will to read. I’ll admit that these books are little to not-at-all related to “honeymoon” and “weddings”, but what…

No way! The “nigthstands” are back! Yes, well, after finally being done with tables, ribbons and papers, I had time and will to read. I’ll admit that these books are little to not-at-all related to “honeymoon” and “weddings”, but what…
Here we go, a little bit later than ususal, but between cloaks, carnival and gender question related posts I had to postpone this for a while. Anyway, enough with the chitchat, let’s roll with the books! The Count of Montecristo…
Wow, finally! In december and january I read quite a lot, but it was stuff I had to study, it was boring stuff, burocracy and bylaws and so on… not thing you’d read to enjoy yourself. Anyway, done with studying…
Lately I’ve seen a couple of pics on th web and I’ve also spoke with a friend about female characters in book. Apparently writing good female characters, mostly for male writers, is hard to do. I believe this happens because…
Finally here we are with the latest books I’ve read, in November I didn’t publish my reviews simply because in October I didn’t fancy reading and I struggled to finish that awful “Double Goddess”. These kind of traumas need long…