Problogger is doing another group writing and I’m in again This week the theme is a “discussion post”… therefore I’d like to know what you’ve learned, and make it of vital importance, from your (or one of yours) favourite tv…

Problogger is doing another group writing and I’m in again This week the theme is a “discussion post”… therefore I’d like to know what you’ve learned, and make it of vital importance, from your (or one of yours) favourite tv…
Easy, it’s not a trhiller book nor a horror movie. From my dialect, the last three days of january are the coldest ones, and guess what? They’re here! The legend says that once upon a time blackbird where actually white,…
As you probably already know, I’ve decided to read literature classics, mostly novels. Because it’s good for my mind and because it’s a form of creative writing class: if these novels survive the years, are timeless masterpieces, there must be…
img Ok, the title is a bit tricky, I’m focusing on the uselessness of argues, also known as catfights, on the internet in general.For these following easy reasons.1) if you publish something on internet you know you’re exposing yourself,…
img ° format my laptop (uuhh gives you chills uh?)° sell old uni-books&co° visit Satura @ Turin° visit Icon @ Pescara° visit Vale @ Dublin° repete purifying diet (well it’s not a diet, it’s just me eating less junky stuff)°…