Coloressentialy – Review

I’ve taken the habit, since a couple of years, to give myself a present for my birthday, this year, since I’d fancy some change, I gifted myself with a Personal Colour Analysis.

I’ve found Pia’ website, Coloressentialy, thanks to a link on this post by Stella (it’s all in italian :P).
I wasn’t new to colour theory and I already had my self analysis (from which I got I was a winter, but who knows what kind?). Reading PIa’s site curiosity grew in me (and doubts too… I had noticed that some “cold” colours -meant to be right for Winters- just didn’t suit me).
So I decided that 20 euros was a good bargain (I don’t think this is expensive, if you consider that the analysis is, in fact, personal, it takes 48 hours, you get a detailed explanation and two palettes with colours you can print out… but most of all it’s not expensive if you consider that, after these advices, you’re not going to spend money on clothes with colours that don’t suit you).

So I reached to Pia, who has always been super fast with emails, always kind and helpful. She explained and showed me what kind of pictures she needed (and how to take them) and other infos, as soon as I had them I payed (through paypal, is there anything safer?!) and in 48 hours, literally, I had my response, my advices (like names and numbers of makeup, Pia’s not sponsored, it is other girls with my same colours who told her what products are suitable) and my sample of colours to print out.

This spring, when light will be better, I will have another post about all the procedure, a full post with details and with the help of a couple of girls, I’m not saying anything more 😉

To sum up, I’m happy with the results, ok, some advice is just not my cup of tea (like wearing golden jewellery or not wearing wooden/thick jewellery… I do not agree, but it’s only about advices! Pia does not give you diktats and she makes it clear that she gives you directions, then you have to work it with your own taste), in the end I really enjoy this self-present :)

Oh, I forgot, I’m a Deep Winter.

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7 thoughts on “Coloressentialy – Review

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Glad you liked it!
      I never knew where colour analysis could go either, that’s why I decided to treat myself :)
      The next post needs good natural lighting, I have to wait for spring 😛

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Sì dai, non è messo male l’armadio, diciamo che adesso so su che colori variare oltre al solito nero, melanzana, verde ottanio 😀
      Grazie per aver messo quel link *_*

  1. Marta

    Cavoli, è davvero una cosa interessantissima! Mi piacerebbe anche approfondire l’aspetto relativo al significato della scelta di determinati colori…sono curiosa di sapere a quali aspetti della personalità corrispondono le mie scelte cromatiche!
    E poi, avendo visto gli ottimi effetti di questa analisi su di (il rossetto era azzeccatissimo!) direi che i 20€ sono una cifra che vale la pena spendere!!!

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Mah, una vera corrispondenza fra i colori di quest’analisi e il carattere non credo esista, per quella è più una questione di che colori ti attirano (o respingono) e perché.
      Comunque sì, davvero, 20 euro spesi bene :)

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