Musa’s Box

This week I really need to type this list, and I can’t wait to read yours too! Link it in the comments if you have one 😉

° see my brother
° the morning spent doing “inspirational bellydance”, I can’t wait for the next lesson
° sunday, with family
° lunch at a crepe shop
° go at a friend’s gig, stepping into a club filled up with youngsters feeling a little old and out of place but so much more put together
° falling asleep before dinner
° pizza with friends
° an “uglyness” shock, recovered by looking at pretty things and planning madly
° growing fond of a recovery and diy project
° writing lists, budjets, action plans
° ginseng coffee in a small cup which actually looked like a bowl
° steampunkish outfit
° sushi in my lunchbox
° coworker’s cake, new essence brush, the shopping-group online order, my wishlist on amazon and the coat at the market
° the “whatever-ism” (really really hard to translate!!!)
° compliments and “now we’ll look at eachother and compliment on us like two Janines”, plus the “guess the book” by telling only some details… too nerdy!
° temptations
° talk to Mr Faun, can’t live without, and “we’ll both take german lessons” 😉
° walking on the riverside, making impossible projects about an old building and the beautiful day it was, I took the picture you see in this post :)
° the nook
° mythological creatures

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4 thoughts on “Musa’s Box

  1. Lanterna

    Se le creature mitologiche le hai viste durante la passeggiata lungo il fiume, non vorrei disilluderti ma erano pantegane 😛

    (Il vecchio edificio è mica l’idroscalo? Io ci fantastico ogni volta che ci passo, ma ormai comincia ad essere troppo vecchio per essere recuperato)

    La mattina di Inspirational Bellydance *_*

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