Self help books

It’s been a long while I haven’t been talking about self help on this blog. This is not because I don’t care anymore, I don’t know how else to help you or because I’ve found the secret formula to feel fine and I don’t want to share.

It’s simply because I’ve been doing so many things lately that I had barely the time to think (and ruminate) about why and how I’m not a human being without any kind of troubles.
And I have to say it has been pretty healthy!

Repeating is useful: don’t keep thinking “what’s wrong with me”, it creates a vicious circle of thought and it’s hard to step out of it. I’ve found useful to place myself (or find myself despite everything) in situations where I had to deal with lots of people, constantly, for many different things (office, this and that course, people in the street etc).
When you keep thinking to nothing but your issues, after a while you’ll lose track of the big picture, the perspective of “you VS the world”.

Anyway, maybe I’ll talk in detail of this another time, today I wanted to give you titles of those books that really helped me out.
Let’s clear this out, the solution is never at the end of a book (once you really understand this, without just saying “yes, it’s right” when deep inside you still hope that with the epilogue you’ll evolve like a pokemon, you’ll be well on track) but in these books I’ve found something that resonated with me, like hot tea to calm nerves, and pushed me to do something to actually change the situation.
Enough chatting, let’s roll with the titles!

Your erroneous zones” W. W. Dyer (Icon told me to read this book, it was the first one I read who made me go “Yes! That’s right!” I don’t know how many times)

The book of autogenic training” G. Eberlein (I’ve bought it more out of curiosity and low price, than anything, but it has really valid points)

Psychomagic” A. Jodorowsky (I wanted to read this for years, when I’ve finally found it, discounted, it was a sing! It’s not a easy reading, but the idea to talk to and heal the inconscious using symbols -that are inconscious usual language- in a sort of reversed communication… well, I think it’s worthy)

Women who run with the wolves” C. P. Estes (I want to review this very soon)

The artist’s way” J. Cameron (I’m still reading this, but it looks like it’s well done, for those who have no clue where to start from)

Have you read any of these? What do you think about?
Have you any new title for me?

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2 thoughts on “Self help books

  1. Mari

    Il primo lo leggerò visto che ha ottime recensioni, quello di Jodorosky l’ho letto ma essendo animalista l’ho odiato quando ha consigliato di ammazzare un toro!!!! e quindi l’ho bandito dalla mia vita.
    A me è piaciuto moltissimo “Come essere sempre felici” di Gupta (vedi recensione su amazon), per farti un esempio. Peccato che non sempre mi ricordo i consigli dati e a volte faccio fatica in alcune situazioni. Imparerò.

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