Modern spells | Euforilla
To keep up, again, with tuesday's post... have you ever noticed how some "exercises" discussed here and there remind of spells? After all free association, metaphore, symbol, psychology and theater (or at least a representation) are names we use now for things that maybe are older. There are: ° amulets/talismans (yes, yes, I know they're different ;) = gems or herbs or similar things to carry around, at least as a reminder, a "catch me up" for goals you want to reach, an anti-stress to play with to sum up some courage ° ritual = moments of meditation, maybe with candles and visualisation of a goal while you feel like that wish has already been granted. A well organized daydream ° chant = words set free, I'm a huge fan of letters (that will never be posted to anyone in reality) to vent out or demand. ° altar/totem (again, I know they're different ;) = creative making of something that represents an idea or a goal to us, something to pour our creativity into, shape it to life and draw