Musa’s Box | Euforilla
October the eight. Eight of October. Already??? You're saying that I have two months of boxes to make up for??? Yay! ° microtourism holidays (I'll explain better in a next post ;) ) ° a summer quite kind, regarding weather ° the balcony from wich to behold the seastorm *_* ° taking one picture a day, of the best moment ° breakfast with cappuccino and cannolo ° coming back home, stepping on the scale, and finding out, quite unexpectedly, that I had lost half a kilo o_O while I thought I gained like five, shoot, I could have had one more cannolo!!! ° an infinite list of things to do in september... and checking it all off! ° a wonderful beginning of autumn ° the beautiful colours of the trees lined lane, near home ° a horse chestnut in the pocket, as tradition wants it ° closed windows and blankets ° our cat, jumping on our laps on purpose ° being able to properly cook again ° prooving my cousin how effective henna is on hair ° dinner with friends, three or thirty doesn't matter ° going