Musa’s Box

It’s friday again, it means a list of things I’m grateful for, that happened in the past week.

Il mio prossimo progettino sarà simile *_*

I think that my next craft project will be inspired to this *_*

° seeing the “super moon”
° a shopping night with my aunt
° a relaxing weekend
° going out for dinner with friends, eating plenty of good fish
° online purchases finally getting home, it’s like it’s always Christmas!
° therefore: my Himalayan salt candle holder, it’s sooooo pretty! (and heavy o_O)
° new chances, and nice (common sensed) people, the que serà serà 😉
° the “try out happy hour” in a loung bar that soon will be open to public, everything was great (and my cocktail knocked me off immediately!!! I laughed so much :P)
° researching extensively the web and finally finding what I was looking for!
° a clean up raptus, that made me clean up and tidy up and polish up all the house in an afternoon, such a satisfaction!
° my palo santo stick, it smells so good!
° home made, in five minutes, hummus, it was sooooo good!!!
° this weekend plans: thriftshop, dance performance with live percussion to attend to, yes yes yes!
° kind friends available as “cat sitters”
° Harry Potter marathon, not all in a day, but one per night… I have been having dreams about schools, teachers, “magic”… you have no idea!!!
° pre-sleep chitchat
° mythological creatures

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2 thoughts on “Musa’s Box

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Barattolo di ceci già lessati.
      Due o tre cucchiaini di tahina (già pronta, in barattolo pure quella).
      Olio qb.
      Frullatore/minipimer/quello che è.

      Non sarà come quello fatto spremendo a mano i semini di sesamo, uno per uno, intanto che i ceci s’ammollano e poi bollono, ma col caldo che fa va benissimo così XD

      Voilà 😉

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