10 valuable life and survival lessons learned from Supernatural

Problogger is doing another group writing and I’m in again :)
This week the theme is a “discussion post”… therefore I’d like to know what you’ve learned, and make it of vital importance, from your (or one of yours) favourite tv show.

sam dean winchester

I’ve decided for a bullet list of valuable lessons learned thanx to the Winchester brothers, in Supernatural U_U

  • If he’s handsome and you don’t know him (and he’s not one of the Winchesters) he’s probably a demon
  • If you’re young and alone, it’s not a good idea to walk by night into a dark and narrow alley, unless you’re playing bait or you’re a demon
  • When candles are blown out by an indoor wind, run, there’s a demon
  • When the radio is cracking, is changing on its own will and has general issues, run, there’s a demon
  • When tech turns on on its own, mostly in an abandoned house or during a blackout, run, there’s a demon
  • Always carry tons of salt with you, unless you’re a demon
  • Pure iron is useful and good, unless you’re a demon
  • Silver is your good friend too, of course… if you’re not a demon
  • If there’s a scary urban legend about an abandoned house, don’t go in, the legend is probably true and there’s a demon
  • When the music grows into a creepy crescendo, run, there shall be a demon

Have you learned more?
What kind of valuable life and survival lessons have you learned from your favourite tv shows? Tell me in the comments!

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22 thoughts on “10 valuable life and survival lessons learned from Supernatural

  1. Euforilla Post author

    Uh, I just thought of another one: if you’re in any of these situations (listed above) and nothing bad happens, kudos! You’re the demon!

    Fun is in the small things 😛

    Ne ho appena pensata un’altra: se vi trovate in una di queste situazioni appena elencate e non succede niente di brutto, congratulazioni, siete voi il demone!

    Sì, mi diverto con poco!

  2. Dott. B.

    anche: se vedi qualcuno che vomita fumo nero probabilmente è un demone che sta scappando. Da supernatural ho imparato anche che: chi guida sceglie la musica.
    (potrei andare avanti all’infinito)

  3. Lanterna

    OK, giusto venerdì esploravo una casa abbandonata in mezzo al nulla… e mi disperavo dentro di me perché non avrò mai i soldi per comprarla e metterla a posto.
    Non sarò un demone, ma mi sa che un po’ di Morticia vive e lotta dentro di me :-)

  4. Jon Rhodes

    I learnt this one from Star Trek. If you beam aboard an unknown planet, always take a person with you that no one has seen before. That way if there is any trouble and someone gets killed, it will be that unknown person and not you!!

  5. Rachel Lavern

    Oh my…this is a difficult one since I rarely watch television. Diary of a Mad Housewife: “Sometimes we hold on to things God himself is trying to tear apart” resonated with me because I can sometimes have difficulty letting things go.

  6. Rachel Lavern

    Okay…this is a hard one for me as I rarely watch television. What first came to mind was Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Housewife (not certain I remember the exact title). One of the characters said “Sometimes we hold on to things God himself is trying to tear apart” resonated with me because I tend to have a difficult time letting things go–especially people.

    Rachel recently wrote The 16 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People

  7. Cathy

    From American Idol: Someone’s always going to like what you do and someone’s always going to hate it. Usually the haters are louder, but try to find those who support you and focus on them.

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