21days n°4 – Vitamins


I know, it’s been forever since I’ve last uploaded something in this little project of mine, but I have two main reasons why:
1) I’ve been putting too many things “to-do” (this project, the style one announced, and other incoming stuff) on this blog, and now I’m taking care of it one bite at a time (though I’m glad I’m managing to write three posts a week instead of two!)
2) since it takes 21 days each, it also takes its time!


I took vitamins for 30 days (the bottle had 30 pills) and I must say they made a difference: my skin was very good (and expecially ladies know what I’m pointing to, in a month time span 😉 ), I slept safe and sound, I was never tired.

Moreover I took them in the seasonal change, a time in which I’m usually like a slimer.

I think I will do it again, but for instance I better rember to eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables.
I’m always ending up with obvious things, that my mother could say “I told you!”, am I? XD

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