Don’t feed the dust bunnies

I don’t know about you but I have this extraordinary talent: five minutes after I’m done with house chores, it looks like nothing ever changed, there are already glass marks in the kitchen, papers and bags all around the living room, hair on the bathroom floor and something unkempt on the table or the bed.

Consider also that we’re currently doing some “upgrade” works at the Nook (mosquito nets, paintings, plants on the balcony)…

So to cheer up this monday I’ve decided to collect some of my favourite quotes about untidiness, the first one is by Einstein, the second one I can’t recall who told it and how exactly it was told (was it C. P. Estés or J. S. Bolen? Am I messy in this too? Who knows…)
And a couple others I’ve found online looking for the source of the second one!

“If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, Of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”

“A perfectly tidy home is a home where the soul is far away”

“I’m sorry for the mess, but we live here”

“Yesterday I tidied up, I’m sorry you missed it!”

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4 thoughts on “Don’t feed the dust bunnies

  1. Lanterna

    Non posso che solidarizzare: a casa mia sembra che siano passati i ladri. Magari è pure successo, e ce ne accorgeremo tra qualche mese (ovvero quando troveremo un bigliettino tipo “stronzi, ma quand’è che vi deciderete a tenere in casa qualcosa di valore?”).

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Storia vera, anche se un po’ triste: quando sono venuti davvero i ladri in casa, non capivo cos’avessero devastato loro in camera mia e cosa fosse disordine fatto da me… sigh…

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